Sabrina Zannier
“The collective enjoyment of Giuliana Cunéaz’s works triggers a sort of energetic circulation that involves the body and the mind, that touches the brain, the heart and the stomach, through sudden passages from one environment to another: emotional destabilisation and mysterious fascination thus open the doors to the possibilities of alchemy. The work of the artist develops along these same lines, and is not presented as summa of the integration of body-mind-soul but as the opportunity to perceive the oneness fully conscious of these single aspects. Before reaching the “psychic substance”, the artist first presents us with the image of physical blood which, only through the symbology evoked by the candour of the Perspex, does it metamorphose into “symbolic blood”. A blood that is energetic and emotional fluid, that in Biancaneve pulsates starting from the heart beat, in Corpus in fabula from the viscera it then appears to flow as vital lymph to the bloodless manikin-face and in Pneuma from the arteries and veins angel’s wings hover suggesting a further reference that will bring us back to the rose”.
(from Sub rosa, Galerja Anonimus, Lubiana)