Filter CategoriesTUTTI 2024 Nahuales 2023 La belle au bois dormant 2022 Microcrystals dream 2021 I Cercatori di Luce 2016 La Grammatica delle Forme 2014 Matter Waves Chrome 2014 Les Manteillons du Mont Blanc 2013 Fire Flows (Zone fuori controllo) 2012 Rompere le Acque (Zone fuori controllo) 2013 Crystal Growth (Zone fuori controllo) 2012 Waterproof (Zone fuori controllo) 2010 Neither snow nor meteor showers 2009 Matter Waves 2009 The God Particle 2009 Spyrogira and Great Spotted Woodpecker 2009 Photosynthesis 2008 Birth Tree 2008 King Birds of Paradise dalla serie "The Growing Garden" 2007 Spores and pollens grains dalla serie "The Growing Garden" 2006 Nanomushroom dalla serie "The Growing Garden" 2006 Nanoparticles and dandelion clock dalla serie "The Growing Garden" 2006 Vermilions and Neurons dalla serie "The Growing Garden" 2006 Flock of Birds and Nanoparticles 2006 Occulta Naturae